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Authenticate Your UsersOnboarding Modal


Learn how the Okto Onboarding Modal helps streamline user authentication and onboarding workflows.

What is the Onboarding Modal?

Okto’s Onboarding Modal provides a streamlined way to authenticate users by displaying an embeddable flow (via an iframe) without requiring them to leave your React app. Under the hood, the Onboarding Modal can handle multiple authentication flows (Email OTP, Phone OTP, Google OAuth, etc.), and can be customized with brand data, visuals, and theming.

Why Use the Onboarding Modal?

  1. No Authentication Flow Management
    Vendors need not work or worry about the authentication flow or the code for it. Okto handles everything on the server side, simplifying the implementation and saving development time.

  2. Multi-Auth Support
    The modal can be set up to handle Google Auth, Email OTP, Phone OTP, or your primary authentication of choice.

  3. Brand & Theme Customizations
    Pass your branding (title, subtitle, icon) and theming (colors, backgrounds, etc.) to tailor the onboarding experience to your style guidelines.

Typical Flow

Below is a simplified sequence for how the Onboarding Modal works:

  1. Trigger the Modal
    Your React app calls showOnboardingModal() from the Okto SDK. This opens a modal containing an iframe.

  2. Iframe Initialization
    The iframe loads the Okto environment for your selected BuildType (Sandbox, Staging, or Production).
    It also receives your brand data, theming, and selected primary authentication method.

  3. User Authentication
    The user proceeds to completes the steps (e.g., Google login, Email OTP, or Phone OTP). If the flow requires an external token (like Google ID token), the modal can request it from your app via gAuthCb().

  4. Auth Success
    Once the user is authenticated, Okto returns the relevant tokens (authToken, refreshToken, etc.) and closes the modal automatically.

Sequence Diagram

Auth Sequence Diagram

Key Points to Remember

  • showOnboardingModal() in the SDK is your main entry point to launch the modal.
  • You can customize brand data, theming, and the primary auth method (Email, Phone, or Google).
  • For Google OAuth, provide a callback (gAuthCb) to exchange the OAuth code for an ID token—or return an ID token directly if you have it.
  • On success, your app will have the user’s authToken (and refresh token) stored in Okto’s internal state.

Enabling Google Authentication in the Onboarding Modal

Okto’s Onboarding Modal can integrate with Google Authentication to offer a smooth, single-click login experience. To enable this, you need to configure the gAuthCb callback, which handles the exchange of Google OAuth credentials for an ID token. The specifics depend on your framework/setup:

  • React: Typically needs a server-side exchange (Authorization Code Flow).
  • Next.js: Can often get an ID token directly using NextAuth or similar, without spinning up a separate backend.

Below, we’ll show both approaches.

React: Using a Separate Backend

If you have a standard Create React App (or similar), you usually cannot store the Google Client Secret in frontend code. This is why you need a small backend service to handle the secure OAuth code exchange.

Step 1: Google Cloud Setup

  1. Create a Google Cloud project.
  2. Enable OAuth consent screen and get a Client ID and Client Secret.
  3. Whitelist your app’s domain (if you’re in development, http://localhost:3000 is typical).

Step 2: Set Up a Backend for Token Exchange

Since the Google Client Secret cannot be exposed in front-end code, you need a backend to securely exchange the authorization code for an ID token.

Backend Example (Node.js)

  1. Install Dependencies

Create a new folder for your backend and install the required packages:

npm init -y
npm install express google-auth-library cors dotenv
  1. Create the Backend Server

Create a file named okto-gauth-server.js and add the following code:

const express = require("express");
const { OAuth2Client } = require("google-auth-library");
const cors = require("cors");
const app = express();
const oAuth2Client = new OAuth2Client(
);"/auth/google", async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const { tokens } = await oAuth2Client.getToken(req.body.code); // Exchange code for tokens
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error exchanging tokens:", error);
    res.status(500).send("Authentication failed");
app.listen(3001, () => console.log("Backend server is running on port 3001"));
  1. Add Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the backend folder and add your Google credentials:

  1. Run the Backend

Start the backend server:

node okto-gauth-server.js

Step 3: React Frontend + OktoProvider

In your React app, update the App.js file with the following code:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { OktoProvider, useOkto, BuildType, AuthType } from "okto-sdk-react";
import { useGoogleLogin } from "@react-oauth/google";
import axios from "axios";
const App = () => {
  const { showOnboardingModal } = useOkto();
  const [authPromise, setAuthPromise] = useState(null);
  const googleLogin = useGoogleLogin({
    flow: "auth-code",
    onSuccess: async ({ code }) => {
      try {
        const { data: tokens } = await"http://localhost:3001/auth/google", { code });
        if (authPromise) {
          authPromise.resolve(tokens.id_token); // Resolve the promise with the ID token
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error during token exchange:", error);
        if (authPromise) {
    onError: (error) => {
      console.error("Google Login Error:", error);
      if (authPromise) {
  const handleGAuthCb = async () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setAuthPromise({ resolve, reject });
      googleLogin(); // Trigger Google login
  return (
      <button onClick={showOnboardingModal}>Show Onboarding Modal</button>
export default App;

That’s it! Now you have a React app that:

  • Uses a tiny Node.js backend (/auth/google) to securely exchange OAuth codes for tokens.
  • Provides Okto with a valid Google ID token whenever showOnboardingModal() needs it.

Sample Implementation

For a complete working example, refer to the Okto React Template App or the Okto Next.js Starter App.

Common Tips & FAQ

  • Securing Secrets: Keep your Google Client Secret in environment variables, never commit it to git.

  • Local Development: For React, use localhost:3000 for your front-end and localhost:3001 for your backend. For Next.js, you can do everything on localhost:3000 if using NextAuth.

  • Custom Branding: Okto’s brandData allows you to pass title, subtitle, and icon to customize the onboarding modal.

  • Primary Auth Method: By default, you can set primaryAuth={AuthType.GAUTH} (Google), AuthType.EMAIL, or AuthType.PHONE. You can also switch it dynamically if needed.