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Troubleshooting and FAQ

SDK Error and Warnings

List of all errors and warnings as a reference for developers.

General Errors

ER-TECH-0016Something went wrong.No vendor key found. Please add a valid non-null x-api-key in API headers.
ER-TECH-0001Something went wrong.The provided id_token is invalid or expired. Please generate a new one.
ER-TECH-0007UnauthorizedVendor of the provided API key does not exist. Please use a valid x-api-key in the API headers.
OAU_501Expired token providedPlease provide the current token by logging in again.
ER-TECH-0009Invalid request.network_ids must be a valid GUID. Please ensure they are in the correct format.
ER-TECH-0005Error validating policies.User not allowed: Supported networks are not supported by this vendor.
ER-TECH-0004Invalid request.Network details not found. Please check the network_name is correct.
ER-TECH-0025Validation failed.Insufficient balance in wallet. Please ensure your wallet has sufficient balance.
ER-TECH-0015Invalid quantity.Quantity should be greater than 0 for token transfers and must be an integer for NFT transfers.
ER-TECH-0017No orders found.No orders exist for the given ID. Please provide the correct order ID in the query params.
ER-TECH-0014Vendor order not allowed.The token/NFT transfer is not allowed by the vendor.
ER-TECH-0013Unprocessable entity.Failed to fetch data from downstream services. Please check your request body.
OAU_404Data not found.Please check the request body and parameters.
ER-TECH-0006RetryDownstream service error. Try again later.
ER-TECH-0002Collection not found.Please check collection address and network_name.
ER-TECH-0007UnauthorizedEmpty Authorization header. Please provide a valid token.
ER-TECH-0007UnauthorizedYou are not logged in. Please use the correct Bearer Token in the API headers.
ER-TECH-0005Error validating policies.Supported tokens/NFT collections are not supported by this vendor.
ER-TECH-0016Validation failedInvalid request body, please follow API Docs.
ER-TECH-0017No orders found for the given request.Please provide the correct order ID.
OAU_401UnauthorizedVendor of provided API key does not exist. Please use a valid API key.
OAU_401UnauthorizedThe API key is not for s2s. Please use s2s API key.
ER-TECH-0001Validation errorInvalid address syntax for UUID.
OAU_501Expired tokenPlease provide a new token by logging in again.
ER-TECH-0002DATA_NOT_FOUNDNFT not found. You do not have the NFT.
500 ER-TECH-0005Service errorDownstream service error, internal error. Try again later.
422 ER-TECH-0013Unprocessable entityFailed to fetch data from downstream services.
404 ER-TECH-0002Data not foundUser ID does not exist for the provided userId.
401 ER-TECH-0007UnauthorizedEmpty Vendor header, no API key.
404Link not foundNo user ID provided.
ER-TECH-0015Something went wrongPlease check your input.
401UnauthorizedPlease refresh your auth token and try again.
400 ER-TECH-0016Validation failedPlease ensure all required keys are not null and follow the API Docs.
400 ER-TECH-0014Vendor Order Not AllowedThe transfer is not allowed by the vendor.

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