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Okto Embedded WalletUsing Embedded Wallet

Invoke Any Smart Contract On-chain Via Code

Learn how to invoke any smart contract interaction on-chain using the Okto SDK.

Methods Overview

async rawTransactionExecuteExecute raw transactions based on the provided data
async rawTransactionStatusFetch raw transactions based on the provided data

Execute raw transaction

async rawTransactionExecute(query) executes a raw transaction based on the provided data.


datarawTransactionStatusData being provided for executing raw transactions
  interface ExecuteRawTransaction {
  network_name: string;
  transaction: {
    from: string;
    to: string;
    data: string
    value: string;


Success Response

Field NameTypeDescription
resultFuture<RawTransactionExecuteResponse>Returns information about the transaction

Get raw transaction status

async rawTransactionStatus(query) fetches the status of a raw transaction based on the provided query.


queryRawTransactionStatusQueryQuery being provided fetching the data


Success Response

Field NameTypeDescription
resultFuture<RawTransactionStatusResponse>Returns information about the status of raw transaction

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